This is a picture from the Baja Fiesta where we went to get some dessert last night. Chris got fries for some reason. I guess he really misses Mc Donalds or something.
Buenos dias (good morning)!! Today we had great breakfast burritos...hmmmmm. Please continue to pray for us as we are just over the hump now and the lack of sleep is setting in. Pray for energy and work ethic. It's overcast today but we are told it will burn off by 10am or so and then be sunny and hot.
A message from Alyson Shultz:
Good morning!!!! Greg and I are so thrilled and blessed to have Saanich here. We look forward to having these guys visit us every year, not just because they're from our home church, but because these are the best behaved youth we've seen! Thank you family members for allowing your kids to come down. They are such a blessing to everyone that comes in contact with them. We love you guys and we look forward to hopefully seeing you in a couple weeks when we're up there in Victoria!! God bless!
note to Jesse - Jillian is spelt with a J!
on a different note - i'll definitely keep praying and thank you so much for putting pictures up so often!! :) im loving it.
hi...could you please let chris (who orders fried at a fiesta, and also orders pizza at a steak house...he's kind of weird like that) know that we made it back to surrey and we are doing well. just incase he was wondering about our travels. thanks. praying for you guys so much. and am so enjoying reading the blog. thanks jesse.
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