Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An afternoon at the campos.

This afternoon after we finished our working on the house we went out to the campos. The campos is where the migrant workers live while they work in the fields. The conditions at the campos are less than desirable for living. The picture of the out-houses you see are the functional ones for these 11 families. Not cool at all. The families were so gratful when we came there bearing gifts. We brought them clothing, toys and many other things that we take for granted everyday. We are off to chapel now so I'll post more later.


Engage Mexico said...

I really wish I was down there with you guys. I saw the pictures from yesterday and recognized some of the Mexican kids from last year. I hope you are all having fun and learning lots. I pray that God is able to reach every one of you in a special way this week. 5 more sleeps till you come home!

Engage Mexico said...

that last comment was made by Rachel Edmonds!

tiffany said...

Rachel, i have a feeling they arent as excited about those 5 sleeps as we are...

Charlene said...

Wow you guys have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. I wish that i could have come again this year. The pictures that have been posted remind me of when i went down last year. I pray that the rest of your trip goes well. ~Charlene.