So after a little delay at the border, we made it to the Super 8 motel in Seattle. We are getting ready to sleep because we need to awaken at the ripe old hour of 3:30am. Ya that's right, 3:30AM. I didn't think that my alarm clock had that setting, but it does. Well I had better sign off for now. Next update will be from somewhere in Mexico I think.
Chris Sundby wants to shout out to all his peeps.....(so old skool).
I tracked your flight so I know you arrived safely in San Diego. I'm thinking your drive to Vicente will be peaceful since everyone (except drivers, of course) will be catching up on sleep. How did waking them up at 3:30 a.m. go?!
hi guys...so glad that you got into the states okay. You're so cute carla that you tracked their flight. glad you did though! hope your van ride goes smoothly. please say hi to chris for me and that i love him (you can even give him a big kiss for me, he he he).
Hola Everyone! I think Carla is so cool for tracking the flight too Kellee! Rachel told us tonight @ church (we missed you guys) that Jessie had text messaged her saying that you all arrived in VG! Hooray! What was the delay at the boarder? Received your email Medd Family - thank you! Did you get my text messages Sydney? Hope you guys can catch up on your sleep tonight - have a FAB day tomorrow - we're praying for you guys! Remember who loves ya!
Hey guys! Its good to hear you go there safe and I hope you are having an awesome first day!! And hey don't worry about having to check Canucks.com or anything. Just come here I will have all the updates for you ;)
All comments have been passed along to the people they were intended.
Thanks for the prayers as they much needed,
1 John 3:16-18 says,
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has not pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
This week you have loved others as Christ loved, in action and words. Today we are humbled as we remember the ultimate sacrifice that Christ made for each one of us. We at SBC also recognize the sacrifice that each of you have made to be away from your family during this week. You are doing amazing work, and we can't wait to hear your stories of how God blessed each of you during this time. We pray for your safe return.
In His Love,
Rick, Janine, Matthew & Heather
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