Well we finished the house and moved in the family last night. It took two truck loads to move the Miranda-Sierra family to their new house, spiders, pigeons and all. There was also a suitcase full of items for each of the 7 family members. Thanks to all of you who donated items for the family as they were so blessed by the stuff. After we moved them over, we ate dinner with them and then brought out a giant Dora the Explorer pinata filled with candy. Everyone took turns hitting is as you can see from the pics.
Today we get to go to the local market to shop for a bit and then it's off to the beach for a while. Steve really wants to rent some dune buggies at the beach. Crazy guy.
Here is a post from Laura Tresidder:
Hey ya'll! just kidding, I've been hanging around the Americans here a little too much. Well, I didn't know this experience would be so life changing, I mean I heard it would, but to actually see the changes in the house, the family, each other and myself... it blows me away. Wednesday night we had our Crave at the church here. It was so powerful listening to almost a thousand people praising God with the same song, in two different languages. It really makes you think that people all over the world are worshipping the same amazing God. Also, another moment that got to me was when I was holding the little four year old that was moving into the house, she asked me to go inside the house and her eyes completely lit up when she saw the suitcases full of donations and her new room. She had the purest smile on her face and she just turned back to me and said, "Gracias! Gracias!" and she hugged me like she'd never let go. It was sad saying the goodbyes, and I know we've changed these children's lives forever, as they have changed our hearts for a life time. I am now seeing that God has chosen each person to come here to give to these people and serve him, and come back with a changed heart and new experiences. I truly wish everyone back home could experience the miracles down here. Miss you all! Laura's out..
Laura, you made me cry - I'm so proud of each and everyone of you! What a blessing you all have been to the Miranda-Sierra Family and to everyone else you've touched in VG! And what a blessing they have all been to you guys as well - you can't go down there without your heart being touch in so many ways - praise God! Enjoy today - you guys deserve it! The dune buggies sound way to fun!! The house looks really great guys - the solar panel is so cool, the fence and gate you guys built is a really nice touch indeed! Praying for a safe day for you guys today and on your journey home. Looking VERY forward to seeing you all at the ferry on Sunday!!!! :) :) :)
Wow once again guys i am so amazed. I agree with laura and how it is so hard to explain how much it changes your life, and until u do go down there and experience it for your self you wont understand. i pray for a safe trip home. God bless all of you and the family you are working with!
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